“We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.” – J.K. Rowling

Skills for Everyone


Want people to communicate, collaborate and connect?

Our powerful, practical one-day programs change mind-sets and build skills.

De-escalating Difficult Situations

Provide staff with skills and scripts to de-escalate emotional
interactions with customers, clients or community members.

In this interactive 2-hour online workshop participants will learn:

  • Why people behave aggressively in their specific customer service environment
  • How to de-escalate aggressive or challenging behaviour using the the acronym HEAT (Hear them out, Empathise, Apologise, Take Action)
  • When to seek support or to end the interaction if they feel unsafe
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    Communicating with EI

    Manage your emotions and adjust your communication style to build real connections for workplace collaboration

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    Feedback for Collaboration

    Build your skills in seeking, receiving and giving feedback to create robust and respectful workplace conversations

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    Communicating for Impact

    Build your personal brand to ensure every interaction achieves the intended impact

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    Powerful Presentations

    Present with impact and ease to engage and inspire audiences

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    Change Fit

    Build your change capability and resilience

Find out more