Boosters for Team Collaboration
Teams need to be fed and watered too – they need dedicated time to understand and value each other, develop team collaboration skills and ensure they are all on the same page.
Give your team performance a boost with one or more of these half-day action learning workshops:
Team Alignment Workshop
Create a clear Team Purpose Statement to ensure your team is on the same page – Who are we? Why do we exist? What value do we bring?
Communicating for Collaboration
Build team cohesion as you gain an understanding of each individual’s strengths and communication styles using the DiSC or Team Management Profile
Feedback for Collaboration
Create a feedback culture within your team by building everyone’s ability to seek, receive and give robust and respectful feedback
Collaboration for Multicultural Teams
Understand the impact of cultural differences on the way we approach our work, and create individual and team strategies for optimal team collaboration
Change Fit
Build change capability and resilience within your team