Remote working in some capacity may be here to stay. Whether your whole team is working remotely, working in a combination of office and at home, or if work location is continuing to evolve, its vital that your team agrees on clear expectations in this new world, along with how you will work together to maintain connection and collaboration.

Working and Collaborating Remotely


Create strategies to ensure your ongoing productivity and well-being when working remotely

Working remotely is likely here to stay in some form. Most people moved to remote working with little preparation or planning. Now is the time to reflect on your remote working practices and skills to ensure ongoing productivity and wellbeing.

In this interactive 2-hour online workshop participants will use their personal Remote Ready Playbook to create strategies for :

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    My Work

    Ensure you are clear about what’s expected of you, what success looks and like and seek any support you might need.

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    My Wellbeing

    Plan your week and day effectively to ensure there is optimal productivity through working smarter rather than harder

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    My Connections

    Ensure you are staying connected with your Manager, work team and other key stakeholders now that organic office-based interactions are reduced.

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    Are staff worried about feeling disconnected or being out of the loop?

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    Do they know how to collaborate effectively online – not just how to use the technology but how to maintain trust, continuity and information flow?

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    Does your team need support to upskill quickly to ensure they function optimally as a remote team?

During this practical online workshop, the facilitator will work with your team to understand and agree on the best ways of working together remotely whilst modelling effective online meeting practice.

This 2-hour interactive Zoom facilitated session builds Remote Ready teams who:

  • Agree on their expectations for this new way of working
  • Can work effectively and independently from home
  • Agree on team routines, rituals, commitments and milestones
  • Agree on online meeting etiquette to ensure productive collaboration


  • What are our questions, concerns and expectations for working remotely?
  • Tips for managing your day to work productively from home
  • What are the important team routines and rituals that we can replicate or adapt remotely? Do we need to add new ones?
  • How will we maintain accountability?
  • How will we all contribute to engaging team meetings using Zoom or other technology to ensure productive collaboration? (Agree on protocols for managing time, involvement and outcomes in online meetings)
  • Using other forms of connectivity – Slack, Microsoft Teams, Whats App, others
  • Finalise team action plan
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